
Media design

Karl Marx said that the scientist cannot just interpret the world; he must change the world directly. Media researchers cannot just analyse the media, we must create new media. I want to know as much as possible about the connection between media technology, content production and human experience. Every prototype we make tell us a lot about what did not work, and a little bit about what's worth going forward with.

Designing the Amplifon: A Locative Sound Medium to Supplement DAB Radio

This text was first published in . The topic is , the genre and the year of publication .

Abstract Radio has always had communicative concern for its listeners. It is characterized by personal address, liveness and acoustic moods that reach audiences in a variety of listening situations. Radio’s communicative concern should be available for all citizens, but in fact there is rather bad reception for DAB and FM in cities due to narrow […]

Business Models for Academic Prototypes: A New Approach to Media Innovation

This text was first published in . The topic is , the genre and the year of publication .

This article introduces the concept of academic prototypes in media innovation, and shows how such prototypes can lead to innovation in market-based journalism. We propose an innovation method that transforms an idealistic, value-oriented prototype into a market-oriented journalistic service. The principles for product development presented here are based on the lean startup method as well […]

Exploring VR journalism in higher education

This text was first published in . The topic is , the genre and the year of publication .

Bachelor students in Media City Bergen explored the expressive range of VR journalism and produced valuable research insights for ViSmedia. VR is one of the emerging technologies in newsrooms, and it is important that students across disciplines have the opportunity to explore its possibilities. In the spring semester 2018, media and interaction design students at […]

Realistic face manipulation by morphing with average faces

This text was first published in . The topic is , the genre and the year of publication .

Abstract Face manipulation has become a standard feature of many social media services. Most of these applications use the feature for entertainment purposes. However, such manipulation techniques could also have potential in a journalistic setting. For instance, one could create realistic, anonymized faces, as an aesthetic alternative to the coarse techniques of blurring or pixelation […]

Taking risks with drones – Responsible innovation pedagogy for media education

This text was first published in . The topic is , the genre and the year of publication .

Introduction The increasing demand for drone imagery in the news media requires that more journalists learn how to operate camera drones. In order for journal­ism to uphold its professional standards of accountability in visual news coverage, camera drone piloting is not a competency that should be out­sourced to external companies. Higher education institutions should have […]

Word cloud visualisation of locative information

This text was first published in . The topic is , the genre and the year of publication .

Abstract This article describes an explorative study of a prototype for visualisation of locative information from Wikipedia. PediaCloud is a smartphone app that uses word clouds for graphical display of links to text and photos relating to a particular place. This approach to accessing location-based information is different from more common approach of using interactive […]

Making the News: Digital Creativity Support for Journalists

This text was first published in . The topic is , the genre and the year of publication .

Abstract This paper reports the design and first evaluations of new digital support for journalists to discover and examine creative angles on news stories under development. The support integrated creative news search algorithms, interactive creative sparks and reusable concept cards into one daily work tool of journalists. The first evaluations of INJECT by journalists in […]

Designing the Auditor: A Prototype of Locative Radio with Original Sound Content

This text was first published in . The topic is , the genre and the year of publication .

Location-based sound media are similar to traditional radio in that they rely on communication in sound alone. The smartphone has GPS and Bluetooth, and it is easy to attach sound to locations like a rail station, a neighborhood, or a street. The research team designed a media prototype, Auditor, and produced a soundscape called “The […]

Media Design Method: Combining Media Studies with Design Science to Make New Media

This text was first published in . The topic is , , the genre and the year of publication .

Media researchers should construct their own new media. It is in the public’s best interest that academics as well as industry professionals and amateurs experiment directly with the materiality of new media. Due to a medium’s potential for becoming important in people’s lives, its success should be measured not only by its profitability and usability, […]

Two-way Radio: Audience Participation and Editorial Control in the Future

This text was first published in . The topic is , the genre and the year of publication .

Authors: Lars Nyre & Marko Ala-Fossi This book deals with the promise of digital radio. In the 2000s, we see clear tendencies towards a participatory turn in broadcast media, and this is often praised as one the greatest improvements brought along by the digitalization of mass media. Broadcasters now commonly use SMS-messaging, interactive websites and […]